I’m an Engineering Manager with a passion for web development and a focus on delivering great user experiences with clean, engaging UI's through concise, maintainable code.
Contact MeI’m an Engineering Manager with a passion for web development and a focus on delivering great user experiences with clean, engaging UI's through concise, maintainable code.
Contact MePet projects, side projects, side hustles. For many engineers, having a creative outlet outside of their day-to-day work is essential for both professional growth and maintaining a healthy state of mind. While I acknowledge that not every engineer has the time or desire to code outside of work, the concept of a pet project can be just as fulfilling when found within work itself.
Read ArticleSnyk is a great tool for dependency vulnerability scanning, but it lacks support for pnpm. In this post I share a workaround to scan pnpm projects and publish vulnerabilities to their Web UI using Snyk CLI and GitHub Actions (but you can adapt this to any CI tool).
Read ArticleApollo Server 4 changed the way we integrate with Serverless functions, the apollo-server-lambda
project is no longer part of the core package, being replaced with @as-integrations/aws-lambda
. With this change it’s no longer obvious how we can use Express middleware like graphql-upload
for serverless functions, but it is still possible using the @vendia/serverless-express
project. This article will focus on AWS Lambda integrations, but the solution should be just as relevant for any of the cloud providers (using the appropriate apollo-server-integrations
In this tutorial we’re going to run through creating a react app that authenticates with a OAuth2 authorization server, in this case we’ll use Cloudentity. Cloudentity is an authentication and authorization provider that specialises in hyper-scalability. We’ll implement login using the Resource Owner Password Grant, and demonstrate authenticating API calls.
Read ArticleHere’s one that might be obvious for GraphQL veterans, but I wasted some time Googling for an answer that didn’t seem clear. I’m trying to use GraphQL Code Generator with a schema that was using GraphQL Scalars and received the error:
Failed to load schema from ./src/schema/**/*.ts:
Unknown type: "Date".
As a novice investor the first thing I wanted was a way to setup alerts when stocks hit certain thresholds. It’s sounds really simple and I’m sure there’s a service out there for it, but I struggled to find a simple, free one. So I built one.
Read ArticleCelery and Flask go together like tacos and Tuesdays, so I was surprised to run into some incompatibility in the way they setup and use loggers which caused Celery to dump duplicate logs. Perhaps it was just the way I had structured my project, using a Flask application factory and Celery tasks in a tasks
folder, but that seems pretty standard. Or maybe it’s how I’m setting the log level? But I digress.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) protects a user from having sensitive information leaked from one site to another. If the browser allowed any cross-domain XHR requests, sites would be able to steal information from other sites that you are logged into by making authenticated requests to them via JavaScript (the target site’s cookies will be sent with the request). But CORS can be easily misconfigured and result in vulnerabilities in your site, one particular misconfiguration is CORS origin reflection, where the Origin
request header is processed through a whitelist (or regular expression) on the server and if allowed, is returned in an Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
response header. Poor regex can result in allowing unintended domains through.
In this post I’ll walk you through using OWASP ZAP to manually test a list of domain names passed as origins to a webserver, and evaluating whether they are reflected in the allowed CORS domains.
Read ArticleI was surprised to run into this problem in my Flask app, I needed to pass a custom attribute to one of the options in a select list provided by WTForms (in my case I wanted to set the first option as disabled
), but it turns out that this is a common problem with lots of work arounds.
Here’s a nice clean solution to pass those custom attributes, keeping the built-in SelectField
, but using a custom widget which supports providing attributes for any of the options via a keyed dictionary.
3 Docker containers want to communicate with each other. They live on a single host with no scaling, it should be a trivial problem right? If you’re hosting them on AWS ECS you can use ECS Service Discovery, but for this simple scenario it’s costly and overly complex. Here’s a cheaper, simpler way.
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