
Starting a promise chain to handle exceptions correctly

posted on 04 January 2017 in programming

Warning: Please consider that this post is over 7 years old and the content may no longer be relevant.

Here’s a little promises quirk that I’ve overlooked for a while. Generally we all write promises like this:


And we know that any exception raised will skip to the catch handler. Except for the initial doSomething() call. If an exception is raised here it will be treated like a normal exception and stop executing all the rest of your code. So how do you deal with it? You could:

  1. Ensure that doSomething always returns a promise, e.g. wrap the whole thing in a new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { .. }). While this isn’t a bad practice it requires the calling code to assume the function has been implemented correctly, not something I’d rely on.
  2. Wrap the start of the promise chain in a promise like this:
    new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  3. Start the promise chain with a dummy promise like this (my preferred approach):

    or in angular:
